How Long Do Puppies Sleep For?

Puppyhood is pretty much a snooze fest with bathroom breaks in the middle.

Similar to babies, puppies spend between 18 to 20 hours a day sleeping. It is important for your puppy to have time to sleep because it is essential to the necessary development of their nervous, immune, and brain systems. 

You will notice that your puppy has sporadic bursts of energy that quickly depletes and turns into another snooze session. This is because there is so much new information that they are absorbing while they are awake. It doesn’t take much to tire them out when they are young and it is up to you to ensure that your puppy sleeps it off when they are supposed to.

How to help your puppy sleep during the day:

  1. Have a safe and cozy area where you can put them. This can be their crate, bed, exercise pen, or just a spot where they know they can sleep it off. 
  2. Resist the temptation to cuddle them or bug them. I know it can be tempting to continuously cuddle your puppy because they are so darn adorable but it is very important to leave them undisturbed and let them sleep soundly. 
  3. Have a routine. Having some form of a routine is going to give your puppy and yourself some structure in their day to day lives. Always follow an active session with a snooze session.
  4. An overtired dog is not a happy dog. You may think that getting your puppy super tired is the best way to get them to sleep through the night but might want to think twice. Over exercising or a lack of sleep can lead to unwanted behaviors such as barking tantrums, chewing on inappropriate items, etc. If your puppy is overstimulated, use one of the chews from your Super PawBox, a snuffle mat, or anything that will allow them to refocus their energy on that item.

How to help your puppy sleep during the night:

  1. Make the crate a place of the highest value. Put a bed sheet or a blanket as a lining for the bottom of the crate, including some items that have its mom's scent to give them some comfort or even add some of the toys included in your dog box. Many owners prefer to have their puppy close to them for the first few nights so that they can feel close to their new family. 
  2. Set a routine. Giving your puppy a bedtime routine will help them adjust and make it easier for them to sleep through the night. Make sure your dog has had enough age appropriate exercise so that they are ready to hit the sack. Tip: cut water off at least a couple of hours before bedtime and make sure you take them out right before you put them to sleep.
  3. Calmness is key. Provide your puppy with a calm and quiet environment for them to snooze peacefully. If you like to keep a night light, put a cover around the crate to give your puppy a more den-like feeling.
  4. Goodbye peaceful sleep. For the first few weeks, your puppy may wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Keep this as boring and uneventful as possible, they need to know that just because you’re up, doesn’t mean it is playtime. Quietly pick them up, take them to their spot and let them relieve themselves and quietly put them back in the crate and go to sleep. 

It is completely normal to have a few rough nights but if you keep to your routine, it gets better. One of the best ways to get your puppy to sleep comfortably is letting them know that their crate is a safe place, you do that by playing crate games which build its value.

If you’re new to the puppyhood journey, check out What You Need to Know as a First Time Puppy Owner and How to Choose a Dog Trainer.



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