What to expect at 8 months

Written by: Kassie Dickson, CDBC, CPDT-KA

You may start to see your pup display more and more of their breed characteristics. 

Herding breeds may begin to chase fast-moving things or nip at ankles. Your hound may begin to walk with his nose to the ground, or constantly watch their surroundings.

It’s important to understand how your dog’s breed, along with other aspects, can play a part in their overall personality and shaping their behaviors.



Using appropriate time outs is a great way to calm an unruly pup!

This can be done anytime a pup offers an over-aroused behavior during play, inappropriate barking, or biting, even if they begin to jump or mouth guests. 

What do I do? 

Walk away from your pup, leave the space, only keeping them confined to the room or place they are in. This conveys to your pup that they have made the wrong choice, and that choice caused them to lose a valued resource: you! 

Let them out when they have calmed down. Repeat this as often as necessary, teaching your pup that whatever behavior they offered, caused all the fun to end. They will quickly learn to offer more appropriate behaviors if you remain consistent!

Where should I put my pup?

Have a time out space, whether this is a puppy proof room or hallway. Ensure the space is safe for your puppy to be left in for a short period of time.


Teach your pup to “take it” or pick up items by offering a verbal cue when you hand them a toy or treat.

Remember to only repeat your cue oncemark and reward with praise and play! 


"Continue to advocate for your puppy to ensure they are safe and in a great learning environment.
Pay attention to your pups' body language, ensure you are reinforcing appropriate behaviors, and remove unwanted behaviors through management and training!"
Kassie Dickson, CPDT-KA

For chews catered to your pup's growing age, have a look at Super PawBox for dog toys, treats, and more!

Walk through the next stage of puppyhood with What to Expect at 9 Months.



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